Sunday, December 15, 2013

Forgotten Research in Medicine

This is the article that is going to be banned everywhere. This is a virtual Index of Naughty Ideas. This is the chapter for the misguided reader who is still unsatisfied and wants more, more, more.
 If you are like the people who have come to see me, or like the thousand or so students I've had, by now you must be thinking, "If what you say is true, how come it isn't more widely known?" Often, people advise me to go public. "Why don't you write to the newspaper (did that), go into education (been there), go on The Tonight Show (now there's a good idea!), write another book (did that, too), or put up a huge, internationally infamous health-homesteading website?"  Say!
 OK, let's get something straight: Everything I'm going to tell you here has already been published, but I'll bet you've never heard of any of it until now. 
 Why? The disease-care establishment will not debate this subject; the only way they want to deal with this research is to ignore it, and hope the public never finds out. Too late! Because here it is, beginning with the number one, all-time killer of Americans.
Cardiovascular Disease
 Regular supplementation with even a moderate quantity of vitamin C prevents disease and saves lives.  Just 500 mg daily results in a 42 percent lower risk of death from heart disease and a 35 percent lower risk of death from any cause (Epidemiology, May 1992).
 The New England Journal of Medicine (312:1205, 1985) reported that as little as 30 grams of even low-fat fish per day reduced the 20-year death rate from coronary heart disease by fifty percent. That is only about one ounce of fish daily, actually providing only about 300 mg of omega-3 fatty acids each day.
 More recently, New England Journal of Medicine had two articles in the May 20, 1993 issue (Vol. 328, pp 1444-1456), both of which clearly support vitamin E supplementation. Persons taking vitamin E supplements had an approximately 40% reduction in cardiovascular disease.  Nearly 40,000 men and 87,000 women took part in the study. The more vitamin E they took, and the longer they took it, the less cardiovascular disease they experienced.  Such effective quantities of vitamin E positively cannot be obtained from diet alone.
Stampfer, M.J., Hennekens, C.H., Manson, J., Colditz, G.A., Rosner, B. and Willett, W.C. (1993)  Vitamin E consumption and the risk of coronary disease in women. New EnglandJournal of Medicine. 328:1444-1449.
Rimm, E.B., Stampfer, M.J., Ascherio, A., Giovannucci, E., Colditz, G.A. and Willett W.C. (1993)  Vitamin E consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease in men. New EnglandJournal of Medicine 328:1450-1456.
Stopping Smoking
 Vitamin C sprayed into the mouth during cigarette smoking gradually reduces the craving to smoke. Food consumption also declines, as do hunger cravings. By the end of one study, smoking behavior was either reduced or stopped completely. This unusual example of vitamin C's versatility was published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 1993:337, pp 211-213. 
 Isn't it a wonder that we have never been told about this amazingly important research?
Liver Disease
 Vincent Zannoni at the University of Michigan Medical School has shown that vitamin C protects the liver. Even doses as low as 500 milligrams daily helped prevent fatty buildup and cirrhosis. 5,000 mg of vitamin C per day appears to actually flush fats from the liver.  (Ritter, M. "Study Says Vitamin C Could Cut Liver Damage," Associated Press, October 11, 1986) 
 F. R. Klenner, M.D. showed that very large doses of vitamin C (between 500 to 900 mg per kilogram body weight per day) can cure hepatitis in two to four days (Smith, L. H., ed.,Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C, Life Science Press, Tacoma Washington, 1988, pp 22-23).
 In 1983, the February 10th issue of the New England Journal of Medicine reported that a three-year study of decongestants and antihistamines commonly prescribed by ear specialists showed that these drugs are absolutely no better than taking nothing at all. 
The Elderly
 Over two thirds of all hospital admissions of the elderly are alcohol related (New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, OASAS Today, 1:1, Sept.-Oct. 1992). 
 85% of the elderly in nursing homes suffer from malnutrition. Routine vitamin supplements are almost never given. (Williams, S. R. Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 6th edition, 1989)
 According to the Arthritis Foundation, the average American consumes only about 500 milligrams of calcium daily. This is only about 50% of the US RDA.  (Pennock, F. "Calcium: Something to Bone Up On" Lancaster, PA Intelligencer-Journal, September 18, 1991, p C-1). The National Institutes of Health thinks the calcium RDA itself is too low, that we are not even coming close to getting even that much, and it ends up costing us $10 billion per year in higher medical bills ("Committee Recommends Higher Levels of Daily Calcium," Rochester, NY Democrat and Chronicle, June 9, 1994). Taking supplemental calcium can make a big difference. 
Doctor-Caused Disease
 One of the really amazing books of our time is Medical Nemesis, by Ivan Illich (Bantam, 1977). One in five hospital patients is there today because a physician's mistake put him or her there. George Washington's doctors actually killed him with their prescriptions. No kidding. (Medical and Physical Journal, London, 1800, Volume 3, page 409). Each year, doctor-prescribed drugs kill far more Americans than street drugs do. Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) statistics indicate fewer than 10,000 deaths annually from illegal drugs (National Institute on Drug Abuse, Statistical Series 1:9, 1989). 130,000 Americans die in hospitals each year due to prescription medication. (Whitaker, J., in Health and Healing, September 1993 Supplement, Phillips Publishing, page 3). The Journal of the American Medical Association states that over 100,000 deaths annually are due just to normal, expected side effects of prescription drugs. (quoted by FDA Acting Commissioner Michael Freidman, MD, June 22, 1998, on PBS's Newshour with Jim Lehrer.) Vitamins are a vastly safer alternative.
 The Merck Manual still recommended bloodletting for some ailments as late as the 1934 edition. (Wall Street Journal, May 3, 1983, and Appendix 2 of this book)
According to a 1993 statement attributed to Ralph Nader, 300,000 Americans are killed in hospitals each year. These deaths are due to doctors' mistakes, not euthanasia.
 One third of all Americans think they have food allergies. Only one percent of adults actually do, says the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. (Associated Press, June 25, 1998). 
Safety of Vitamins
 Vitamin D has historically been regarded as the most potentially toxic vitamin. Yet it is instructive to note that as far back as 1939, even really enormous doses of vitamin D were found to be remarkably non-toxic. In several countries, infants including preemies were safely given from 200,000 IU to over half a million units of vitamin D in a single injected or oral dose. This is hard to believe; the references are on pages 544 and 584-591 in the medical textbook The Vitamins in Medicine, third edition, by Bicknell and Prescott (1953). This is quite a comprehensive work. There are a total of 344 scientific papers on Vitamin D cited in just one chapter. 
Kidney Stones
 Kidney stones are not a condition that you can attribute to vitamin C use.  In fact, William J. McCormick, M.D. authored a paper in 1946 explaining that kidney stones are formed by a lack of vitamin C ("Lithogenesis and Hypovitaminosis," Medical Record 159:7, July).  More recently, Linus Pauling shows the fallacy of the supposed kidney stone connection with vitamin C in How to Live Longer and Feel Better (1986).  If your physician still believes that vitamin C causes stones, that is a "stone-age" belief! The fact is that vitamin C is far safer than the doctor's safest medicines. 
 Drs. Emanuel Cheraskin, Marshall Ringsdorf, Jr. and Emily Sisley explain in The Vitamin C Connection (1983) that acidic urine or slightly acidic urine reduces the union of calcium and oxalate, reducing the possibility of stones. "Vitamin C in the urine tends to bind calcium and decrease its free form.  This means less chance of calcium's separating out as calcium oxalate (stones)." (page 213) 
 B-6 deficiency produces kidney stones in experimental animals. B-1 (thiamin) deficiency also is associated with stones (Hagler and Herman, "Oxalate Metabolism, II" AmericanJournal of Clinical Nutrition, 26:8, 882-889, August, 1973).  Kidney stones are also associated with high sugar intake, so eat less (or no) added sugar to reduce your stone risk (J. A. Thom, et al, "The Influence of Refined Carbohydrate on Urinary Calcium Excretion," British Journal of Urology, 50:7, 459-464, December, 1978).
Gastrointestinal Diseases
 To give you an idea of the therapeutic potential of something as simple as vegetable juice, consider the work of Garnett Cheney, M.D.  He had 100 peptic ulcer patients drink four glasses of raw cabbage juice daily. The patients reported dramatically less pain, and X-ray examination confirmed faster healing time. There was no other change in their diet, and they did not have drug therapy. 81% of the patients were symptom-free within one week; over two-thirds were better in just four days. The average healing time for patients given standard hospital treatment was over a month.  Cabbage juice worked well for other types of ulcers, also.  (Cheney, G., "Vitamin U Therapy of Peptic Ulcer," California Medicine, vol. 77, number 4, October, 1952).  Note the date.
Women's Health
 Oral contraceptives lower serum levels of B-vitamins, especially B-6, plus niacin (B-3), thiamin (B-1), riboflavin (B-2), folic acid, vitamin C and B-12. (Wynn, V. in Lancet, March 8, 1975).  Ladies, when is the last time your physician instructed you to be sure to take a daily multivitamin as long as you are on the Pill?
 Women attempting to become pregant that consume more than one cup of coffee per day are half as likely to conceive as those who drank less of it. The more they consumed, the less likely they were to conceive. This applies to other caffeinated beverages and the effect increases with the dose. (A. Wilcox, C. Weinberg, D. Baird: Caffeinated beverages and decreased fertility. Lancet.  8626-7:1473-1476, December 24/31, 1988.)
 Children who eat hot dogs once a week double their risk of a brain tumor. Youngsters eating other cured meats, such as ham, sausage and bacon, had an 80 percent higher risk of brain cancer.  This study was done at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  Kids eating more than twelve hot dogs a month (that's barely three hot dogs a week) have nearly ten times the risk of leukemia as children who ate none. This research was done at the University of Southern California School of Medicine in Los Angeles. Children taking supplemental vitamins had reduced cancer risk.  (Jean Carper in Lancaster, PA Intelligencer-Journal, Weds., June 22, 1994.) Do you recall ever hearing anything in the media about this?
 About 1,200 mg calcium daily may protect against colon cancer, even in persons with a family cancer history, and with a precancerous colon already. "Before they took the calcium, the cells of their colon linings were producing new cells, or proliferating, at a relatively high rate.  But after taking the supplements two to three months, their colon linings resembled those following vegetarian diets." (D.Q. Haney, The News Journal (Associated Press), Wilmington, DE, November 28, 1985). This speaks as well of vegetarianism as it does of calcium.
 Former Health and Human Services Secretary Margaret M. Heckler (quoted in Executive Health, Dec. 1985): "We know that fully 80 percent of cancer cases are linked to lifestyle and environmental factors."
 Consider this: as many as half of all HIV-positive individuals are still free of disease after ten years (Haney, D. in Rochester, NY Democrat and Chronicle, February 13, 1994).  What is going on?  Can nutrition be a contributing factor? 
 A seven year long Johns Hopkins medical school study of 281 HIV positive men showed that those taking vitamins had only about half as many new AIDS outbreaks as those not taking supplements. Imagine: a 50 percent reduction in AIDS cases just from vitamins! The real wonder is that the dosages used were so small: only 715 milligrams of vitamin C a day, and about 5 times the US RDA of the B-vitamins and beta carotene.  Larger amounts would almost certainly save still more lives (Neil Graham, M.D. in American Journal of Epidemiology, December, 1993).
Health Care Costs
"A study of health insurance statistics on over 2,000 people practicing the Transcendental Meditation program over a 5-year period found that the Transcendental Meditation meditators consistently had more than 50% fewer doctor visits than did other groups with comparable age, gender, profession, and insurance terms. The difference between the Transcendental Meditation and non-Transcendental Meditation groups increased in older-age brackets."
"Medical care utilization and the Transcendental Meditation program," Psychosomatic Medicine 49: 493­507, 1987. 
"Reduced health care utilization in Transcendental Meditation practitioners," presented at the conference of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, WashingtonD.C., March 22, 1987.
 Hospital admissions for neurological illnesses and cardiovascular disease are each reduced by 87% among long-time meditators using the TM technique. The research was well controlled; these patients still had routine medical exams and physicals, and accident care. There was, then, no confounding reason that they might have been merely avoiding medical care.
 "From 15 to 30 percent of diagnostic tests may be unnecessary...a quarter of all hospital admissions."  "Illnesses related to lifestyles account for half of our health care costs." (Aetna Insurance Co. "The Managed Care Solution," 1992)
 Over 80% of all health care interventions and technologies have no scientific evidence of effectiveness. (Smith, R. "Where is the Wisdom: The Poverty of Medical Evidence," British Medical Journal, 303:798-799, 1991)
Believe it or Not 
 Nearly  three-quarters  f all  children over the age of 6 months regularly use caffeine, according to the Medical Tribune, a newspaper for physicians. (Jean Carper, "Your  Food  Pharmacy" June 15, 1994)
 12 percent of all the cola beverages bought in the U.S. are consumed with, or instead of, breakfast, says the Food Almanac.
 Almost one-quarter of Americans do not eat even one single serving of a fruit or vegetable in a given day, according to the National Cancer Institute.
 General Mills admits that during early 1994, 110 million boxes of its cereals including Lucky Charms, Trix, and Cheerios were contaminated with a chemical insecticide used in termite sprays and flea powder for dogs and cats. (Sharon Walsh, "Saga of Cheerios, pesticide." The Washington Post, August 21, 1994.)
I believe there never was a recall of these contaminated boxes.
 Did you know that eight Russell Stover Chocolate Fudge Truffle Eggs contain your US RDI for dietary fiber?        Did you know thay Food Stamps can be used to buy "Froot Loops" and "Twinkies," but not used to buy vitamins?       Did you know that the US RDA for vitamin C for humans is far lower than the government's standards for monkeys? 

Copyright  C  2004, 2003 and prior years Andrew W. Saul. 
Andrew Saul is the author of the books FIRE YOUR DOCTOR! How to be Independently Healthy (reader reviews at ) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works. (reviewed at )

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